In 2004, a soap opera premiered that left an indelible mark on an entire generation: FloricientaHowever, there is one event that is still remembered almost two decades later: the death of Federicoprotagonist of the story.
In a recent interview, Juan Gil Navarro, who played that character, revealed the reasons behind his decision to leave the show at its peak and gave details about his departure that surprised fans.
The actor made clear the reasons for his decision to leave. “I was embarrassed and thought it was stupid to say, ‘Hi, how are you? I’m the prince.’ I was also very embarrassed to go out dressed in light blue at the Gran Rex, I looked like Ben Stiller.he acknowledged, in conversation with Rafa Juli for the program De vuelta (América TV).
In this context, the artist recalled the reaction of producers Cris Morena and Gustavo Yankelevich when he informed them that he felt uncomfortable and that he preferred to leave in the first season. “At the end of the year I met with them, I told them that I was grateful, but that I needed to do something else.a”, he began by saying, and mentioned: “I was 30 when I left. They didn’t like it at all, not at all… they told me that nobody gets off a hit and that I was ungrateful.”
Over time, Gil Navarro expressed that he is still surprised by the lack of empathy on the part of the creators of the soap opera at the time of his departure. At that time, the actor He said that his body was beginning to give him signs that a change was necessary, as he was experiencing health problems.
“I thought it was more anger than understanding.”he mentioned. However, he admitted that he had several allies who managed to understand him, such as Esteban Pérez, who was also part of the strip, and Guido Kaczka, who at that time was Florencia Bertotti’s partner. “When I was about to get into the car, he approached me and said ‘nobody understands what you’re doing, but I do,’” he recalled.
It should be noted that this is not the first time that the actor has mentioned his departure from the youth soap opera. Last year, when Flor Bertotti announced his shows at the Movistar Arena stadium, in which he will perform songs from the series, the actor was asked if he would participate in the events; but his answer was forceful.I don’t live in the past, it bores me a lot” He said in an interview with Implacables (elnueve). “I am grateful as always; I follow all the protocols of gratitude so as not to seem ungrateful, but it is something that I left so far behind, so long ago,” he added.
At the same time, after some criticism he received from fans, the actor decided to take to his X account and clarify his statements.
“In the face of so many questions and queries, a kind response is always welcome. Thank you, once again… Thank you very much, once again… But no. It’s not because I’m ungrateful, or bitter, or for money,” he wrote in the post, which he closed with a few words from the song “Adiós” by Gustavo Cerati: “It’s not arrogance, it’s love. Being able to say goodbye is growing up.”
Florencia Bertotti and Juan Gil Navarro were chosen by Cris to star in the successful show. Bertotti played Florencia, the nanny of Federico’s siblings, Gil Navarro’s character, who was the legal guardian of the minors. Although the relationship between the two was very difficult at first and they seemed to be very different, love struck them.
However, just when everything seemed to be heading towards a “happily ever after,” he was hit and killed by a car at the end of the first season. This tragic scene left an eternal mark on fans, many of whom have yet to get over the loss.
After this event, Fabio Di Tomasso joined in the second season as the new protagonist, playing Count Máximo Augusto Calderón de la Hoya, who won Floricienta’s heart.
Now Margarita is back, the sequel to this hit that will air on Disney+.
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